In this list we hope to provide the most comprehensive source
of Sudan-related links available on the internet. It will
be regularly up-dated, so please check to monitor additions.
Inclusion in this list of links does not mean that ESPAC endorses
the accuracy, views contained therein or contents of the organisations
and publications linked to, or, conversely, that they endorse
ESPAC. Indeed, we view many of the sites herein as questionable
in orientation and accuracy. Some are part of the well-funded
anti-Sudan industry that took root in the 1990s, and which
has sought to damage the image of the country.
The goal of this list, however, is to provide (i) a comprehensive
guide, which will cover ALL viewpoints on Sudan, including
those of the government, opposition and rebel groups, independent
organisations and scholars (ii) details of organisations and
publications of all sorts relating to Sudan (iii) sources
of factual information and statistics about Sudan. Where appropriate
some entries are included in more than
one relevant thematic section.
Material within quotation marks is drawn from the self-descriptions
of the organisations concerned, which we do not necessarily
endorse. Other descriptions or comments are those made by
ESPAC. Sites are listed alphabetically within each section.
Material is largely restricted to English-language sites.
If you know of any further links that we should include we
would be pleased to be informed of them. We would also appreciate
reports of any dead links. Information should be sent to:
- www.darfurinformation.com
- www.darfurinperspective.com
- Primary Information Sources
- Academic Sources of Information on Sudan
- Sources of Geographic, Cartographical,
Meteorological, Statistical, Ethnic and
Historical Information on Sudan
- Sources of Current News Information on
- Sudanese
Governmental Bodies and Information Sources
- Sudanese Governmental Bodies: Overseas
- Governmental and Non-Governmental Relief
Agencies Dealing With Sudan and Information Sources on Relief
- Sources of Information on Oil Development
in Sudan
- Religious and Other Groups Campaigning
Against Sudanese Oil Development
- Sources of Information on Peace and
Conflict in Sudan
- Sources of Information on Sudanese Foreign
- Sources of Critical Information on Allegations
of Sudanese Involvement With Terrorism
- Christian and Other Groups Campaigning
Against Alleged Religious Persecution and "Slavery"
in Sudan
- Sources of Information on Religion in
- Sources of Critical Material on Allegations
of "Slavery" in Sudan
- Sources of Critical Material on Media
Coverage of Sudanese Issues
- United States Government Sources of
Information on Sudan and US Policy Toward Sudan
- Sources of Critical Material on United
States Policy Toward Sudan
- United States Private Foreign Policy
Institutes' Material on Sudan
- Organisations Concerned With, and Information
Sources on, Human Rights Issues in Sudan
- Organisations Concerned With, and Information
Sources on, Women in Sudan
- Sources of Economic, Business and Professional
Information on Sudan
- Sudanese Financial Institutions and
Business Enterprises
- Sudanese Medical Institutions, Professional
Bodies and Sources of Information on Medicine and Health in
- Sources of Legal, Constitutional and
Political Information on Sudan
- Educational Institutions in Sudan and
Sources of Information on Education in Sudan
- Overseas Sudanese Student Organisations
- Cultural Organisations and Sources of
Information on Sudanese Culture and Art
- Sudanese Sports Organisations
- Sudanese Newspapers and Periodicals
- Sudanese Political Organisations: Opposition
- Sudanese Political Organisations: Southern
Sudanese Opposition and Rebel Groups
- Sudanese Religious Bodies: Muslim
- Sudanese Religious Bodies: Christian
- Sources of Information on Travel and
- Websites of Sudanese Towns and Regions
- Sudanese Internet Service Providers
and Internet Related Bodies
- Sudanese Internet Portals
- Internet News and Discussion Groups
Relating to Sudan
- Yahoo Groups Relating to Sudan
- MSN Groups Relating to Sudan