"Human rights situation in Sudan".

Amnesty International
"Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards".
Use their search engine to locate their material about Sudan.

And see also:
Amnesty International, Child Soldiers and War Criminals: Troubling Questions

British Council in Sudan, The
"The British Council is a global network for educational, cultural and technical co-operation assistance... The British Council has served the Sudan for fifty years. Our offices and library were firs opened in Khartoum in 1947 and we have worked almost continuously in the Sudan since."
"To contribute to conflict resolution and promote key reform, in 2001-2002, a number of conferences were organised and training offered to candidates working in the field". Conferences have been held on Responsible Business Practices, Training for Legislators, Human Rights Seminars for the Judiciary, Training for the Media, Sudanese-British Relations. Future conferences are scheduled on Penal Reform in Sudan, Human Rights for the Advisory Council on Human Rights, Further Human
Rights Training for the Judiciary.

Centre for the Strategic Initiatives of Women, The (CSIW) - Strategic Initiatives in the Horn of Africa (SIHA)
"Beginning in 1995, representatives from women's organisations in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan (North and South), working with the CSIW, have held several meetings in the Horn of Africa to come together to form SIHA (Strategic Initiatives in the Horn of Africa)"

Derechos Human Rights
[T]he first internet based human rights organisation. Our purpose is to work for the promotion and respect of human rights all over the world".
Use their search engine to locate material about Sudan.

Freedom House - Freedom in the World Annual Report
"[A]n institutional effort... to monitor the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties".
Report of the International Eminent Persons Group: Slavery, Abduction and Forced Servitude in Sudan

Government of Sudan - Advisory Council on Human Rights of the Government of Sudan
"This site has been created to provide official government information on human rights in Sudan. It also gives you the opportunity to bring violations of human rights to the attention of the Advisory Council so that it can try to take action to end or prevent the violations. The government of Sudan is committed to respecting the human rights of everyone under its jurisdiction. It believes that this goal is compatible with the Islamic and African traditions of Sudan. And the Advisory Council will strive to do its utmost to fulfil its responsibility in this regard... The [ACHR] is a body created by the Government of Sudan. It is chaired by the Minister of Justice and its Rapporteur is the Head of the Department of Human Rights and
Humanitarian Law, Dr. Ahmed Elmuft. The ACHR advises the Government of Sudan on questions of human rights. It accepts information from any individual, non-governmental organisation or governmental organisation that is related to improving human rights in Sudan".

Government of Sudan - "Response of the Government of the Sudan to the
Report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur, Mr. Gaspar Biro, Submitted in Accordance With Resolution 1955/77 of the Commission on Human Rights Contained in Document (E/CN.4/1996/62) of 20 February 1996" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Politics File No. 3, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Government of Sudan - "The Crocodile Tears: A Response by the Government of Sudan to the Highly Dramatic Book Published Recently by Amnesty International Under the Title 'The Tears of Orphans'" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Politics File No. 4, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Government of Sudan - "Brief Update on the Situation of Human Rights in Sudan"

Human Rights Watch
And search for material on Sudan via the "Information By Country"
Sudan: Human Rights Developments
Human Rights Causes of the Famine in Sudan
Human Rights Watch/Africa - "A Letter From Human Rights Watch/Africa to
Dr. John Garang, Commander of the Sudan People's Liberation Army"[1996] [Concerning the SPLA's abduction of children to force them into service in the rebel forces] (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 12, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

And see also:
ESPAC - "Eulogy For a Sudanese War Criminal: Jemera Rone, HRW and Double

Government of Canada - "Human Security in Sudan: The Report of a Canadian Assessment Mission Prepared for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, Canada, January 2000 (The Harker Report)"

International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
"IFEX was born in 1992 when many of the world's leading freedom of expression organisations came together in Montreal to discuss how best to further their collective goals... One of the central components of IFEX is the Action Alert Network". Use their Alerts Archive search engine to locate material about Sudan.

Justice Africa
"[I]nitiates and supports civil society activities for human rights, democracy, and peace in Africa"
"The Civil Project in Sudan"
"Justice Africa is coordinator of the Civil Project in Sudan, an ambitious programme that articulates an agenda of civil rights, social justice, pluralism, tolerance, democracy, and peace. It is designed as a challenge to the current Sudan Government's 'Civilisation Project' - an attempt to enforce a narrow and exclusivist vision of Islamist extremism on Sudan's diverse society".

Abusin Motsim - "Letter From Abusin Motsim to the Sudan Foundation Regarding Political Prisoners in Sudan" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Opposition Voices No. 3, The Sudan Foundation, May 1997

National Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy
"[A] group of individuals who strive to encourage human rights in Sudan.
They are non-partisan and support and cooperate with anyone who abides by human rights and any government that strives to protect human rights. The Manifest of the group can be found in the international human rights instruments to which the government has become party".

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Use their search engine to locate material on Sudan
Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan

Sudan Foundation, The - "Where Are the Children?: John Garang, the SPLA
and Sudan's Missing Children", Human Rights File No. 1, The Sudan Foundation, 1998

Dr. Sean Gabb - "Sudan's Missing Children: An Open Letter to Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, First Lady of the United States of America, on the Abuse of Children in Military Conflicts, 27th March 1998", Human Rights File No. 4, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Sudan Human Rights Association, The
"[A] voluntary, nongovernmental and nonprofit organisation registered and operating in Uganda. Its mission is to ensure that the rights of the Sudanese people, especially refugees, displaced persons, and prisoners of war are recognised and protected".

Sudan Human Rights Organisation - Cairo Branch
"[A] Sudanese human rights and democratic entity. The organisation is fully committed to the struggle for the preservation of human rights independently from any government or opposition group".

Sudan Organisation Against Torture
"[W]as established in 1993 in the United Kingdom. It was established to support, help and defend individuals who have been tortured, and to work for the exposure, reduction and eradication of torture and other human rights violations".

Sudanese Womens Site
Arabic language site.

Survival International
"[A] worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples. It stands for their right to decide their own future and helps them protect their lives, lands and human rights". Use their search engine to locate material on Sudan.

Vigilance Soudan
"[C]reated by people militating for the Human Rights around a group of former residents in Sudan".

Women Initiative Group
"[A] group of Sudanese women of different ideologies, culture and religions, coalesced by common goals... The promotion and protection of their socio-economic and political rights; The empowerment of women and their support to stand against any attempts to encroach on their rights; To safeguard the true implementation of civil and sharia laws with respect to women rights; To enhance knowledge and skills of women's advocates in order to secure women's rights".

World Organisation Against Torture, The
"The OMCT is today the main international coalition of NGOs fighting against torture and other forms of inhuman treatment. It is a network of almost 200 full time member organisations". Use their "Actions Organised by Country" search engine to locate material about Sudan.

Espac Published by The European - Sudanese Public Affairs Council Copyright © David Hoile 2005
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